
IAUP President Elect Satow presents disarmament book to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

IAUP President Elect Satow presents disarmament book to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

On January 8, 2013, a delegation from J. F. Oberlin University, headed by its Chancellor, Dr. Toyoshi Satow, who also is President-Elect of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), met with Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at UN Headquarters and presented him with a copy of Pathway to Peace, a new book on disarmament issues.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, Ms. Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Dr. Yoshiro Tanaka, Director of the United Nations Academic Impact Hub at J.F. Oberlin University, and Professor Hiroaki Hatayama, Special Assistant to the Chancellor.

Published under the auspices of the UN Academic Impact Initiative, Pathway to Peace includes interviews with three Nobel Peace Laureates: Joseph Rotblat, Bernard Lown and Jody Williams. It also includes a foreword by Secretary-General Ban, who writes that “[w]ith the stakes so high for global stability and human well-being, it is extremely important that the young women and men take a proactive stand to demand that their leaders rid the world of nuclear weapons and dramatically cut conventional weapons as well.”  Immediate past IAUP President Michael Adams also contributed to the volume.

UN Academic Impact is a program of the Outreach Division of the Department of Public Information.  It is open to all institutions of higher education granting bachelor degrees or their equivalent, as well as bodies whose substantive responsibilities relate to the conduct of academic research.  IAUP itself took a leading role in developing the concept for and principles of the Academic Impact, which is intended to engage higher education institutions around the world more substantively in issues on the UN agenda

Additional information about the UN Academic Impact, along with a membership enrollment form, is available at