Executive Committee Meeting and Council of Senior Advisors Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
June 19-21, 2010
The Executive Committee and Council of Senior Advisors Meeting of the IAUP was held in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by President Toyoshi Satow of the J.F. Oberlin University and President Ichiro Tanioka of the Osaka University of Commerce, at the Hotel Nikko Tokyo. This meeting brought together a good number of IAUP representatives from around the world, and some special invited guests, to discuss important issues related to present and future activities of our Association, from the perspectives of their respective institutions, countries and regions.
Excellent technical and administrative support was provided by the Staff of our host institutions. Higher Education in Africa continues to be one of the main themes since there is a consensus that the key to helping Africa is to support education, and particularly, higher education within the continent.
Membership Development and the participation of each and every current IAUP Member in this effort was at the forefront of discussions at the meeting. Different aspects of Membership Development were analyzed ( Reports by President Barham Madain and on behalf of Treasurer José Rodriguez, Review of current IAUP information brochures, of benefits and opportunities for existing and for new members, the establishment of reciprocal partnerships, proposal for the creation of a new logo, role and expectations of Regional Chairs, presentation of Regional Reports and Journal Academe, Report by the Nominations Committee, the UN Academic Impact Project and on the WISE Conference, among other issues.
An update on the IAUP new web site and database was presented by Deputy Secretary General Charles Gaukel. The probabilities and possibilities of membership development at this time were carefully examined from different viewpoints.
The meeting also reviewed the Program and preparations for the XVI IAUP Triennial Conference, to be held in New York City, June 17-20, 2011, presented by President-Elect Michael Adams and Secretary General-Elect Richard Bronson.
Dr. Chen Ping, invited all IAUP Members to attend the IAUP North East Asia Conference, hosted by President Hu Jianmiao, of Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China, next November 26-29, 2010.
During our stay in Tokyo, thanks to arrangements made by Senior Advisor Shuzaburo Takeda, IAUP representatives also met with the Presidents of the Universities of Kyoto, Waseda, Meiji, Kyushu, with Ambassador Koichiro Matsuura, former Director General of UNESCO and representatives from the G30 Project to discuss internationalization through Higher Education. A special discussion with Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Ambassador Mitoji Yabunaka, was also held along with a separate visit with Former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Secretary General Heitor Gurgulino de Souza finally informed that President Mohammed Barkaoui, of Université Hassan II, will host the next meeting of the Committee, January 2011, in Casablanca, Morocco.