
17th IAUP Triennial

17th IAUP Triennial

Registration & Call for Papers

The IAUP celebrates its general assembly every three years in a different part of the world. Each triennial focuses on a specific theme and provides its membership with an opportunity to discuss challenges and changes that face higher education worldwide.

In addition to a high quality academic program, participants at triennial conferences gain from the most outstanding opportunities of networking beneficial to their institutions/organizations, as well as unparalleled cultural experiences.

The Triennial conference is the place where the general assembly of the IAUP elects the leadership for the next triennium. In 2014, the IAUP Presidency will transfer from the United States to Japan for the Triennium 2014-2017. It is customary that the incoming President present his/her program, indicating the direction that the association will follow for the next three years. Also, the following Triennial Conference leadership is elected and the venue of the next triennial conference (2017) is announced at this general assembly.

The 17th Triennial conference in Yokohama in 2014 marks the second time that Japan will take the leadership of the association, as Professor Toyoshi Satow, Chancellor of JF Oberlin University assumes office.  The 1993 10th Triennial Conference, held in Kobe, was the first time.

Participants of the triennial conferences include the CEO’s of universities worldwide: Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Rectors, as well as worldwide leaders of governments, leaders of international and national associations and organizations, such as the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Bank, and leaders of the corporate sector.

We invite you to join the high level discussions at the 17th IAUP Triennial Conference in Yokohama on June 11-14, 2014.  We also invite you to submit proposals for papers to be presented at the meeting.   The theme of the Yokohama conference is “Creating the Future of Higher Education.”

Register for 17th IAUP Triennial Meeting

View 17th IAUP Triennial Brochure

View 17th IAUP Triennial Call for Papers