
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

It has played a leading role in the history and formation of the country. The substantive tasks of this public, autonomous, and secular institution are teaching, research, and the dissemination of culture. In the academic world, it is recognized as a university of excellence. UNAM responds to the present and looks to the future as the most important cultural project in Mexico. UNAM is a space of freedoms. Respect, tolerance, and dialogue are practiced daily within it. The plurality of ideas and thought is a symbol its culture.

Contact information:

  • Mtro. Gerardo Reza Calderón, Director General de Cooperación e Internacionalización:
  • Mtra. Brenda Gasca Zambrano, Directora de Intercambio y Movilidad Estudiantil:
  • Dirección General de Cooperación e Internacionalización (DGECI):



Contact Information