The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is chaired by the President of the IAUP or, in his absence, by another officer, nominated by the President. The Executive Committee is an advisory committee of the Board of Directors and in that capacity assists, advises and supports the Board of Directors, including the President. This Committee may be invited to provide input to the Board of Directors in relation to issues relating to the Charity’s structure, and its policies and strategies, both internally and externally. The Executive Committee:

  1. assists the Board of Directors in preparing draft policy and position statements on behalf of the Charity;
  2. prepares for approval by the Board of Directors the Charity’s annual budget, as well as its audited annual accounts, which include the reserve fund mentioned under 13.3;
  3. suggests additional Bylaws on any matter which it considers necessary and, in particular, for membership accreditation categories, criteria and fees, as well as the granting of awards for approval by the Board of Directors;
  4. considers and suggests the categories of membership of the Charity and their accreditation;
  5. considers, if requested by the Board of Directors, conditions for the granting of Awards on behalf of the Charity;
  6. submits a proposal to the General Assembly, on candidates for the posts of Officers-Elect of the Charity, and approves in this process, the composition of the Search Committee for President-Elect, on a proposal from the President of the Charity;
  7. approves the conference theme and program, the date and venue of Triennial Conferences;
  8. considers the outline and structure of the Charity’s Annual Report; and
  9. advises the Presidency on the Charity’s regional divisions and organisation.

Members of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is nominated by the President-elect, on behalf of the Board of Directors, in advance of the beginning of his or her three-year period as president. Categories of Executive Committee Membership include:

Board of Directors

  • Nicholas D. J. Baldwin – United Kingdom
  • Shawn Chen – P.R. China
  • Nicolette DeVille Christensen – United States of America
  • Fernando Galvan Reula – Spain
  • Fernando Leon Garcia – Mexico
  • Gerald Reisinger – Austria
  • Alvaro Romo – United States of America
  • Toyoshi Satow – Japan
  • Kakha Shengelia – Georgia
  • Ichiro Tanioka – Japan


Regional Chairs Country
North-West Africa Africa
North America Canada Region
USA Region
Central-Eastern- Southern-Africa South Africa
Costa Rica
South America Brazil
West-South Asia Thailand
Middle East, Caucasus & Central Asia Caucasus, CIS Countries Azerbaijan
Middle East & Central Asia Iran
Europe Western Europe Spain
Eastern Europe Georgia
Russia Russia
East Asia Taiwan
Oceania Australia
Japan Japan
China China

Executive Committee Members

Kakha Shengelia – Georgia
Gerald Reisinger – Austria
Nicolette DeVille Christensen – USA
Toyoshi Satow – Japan
Alvaro Romo – USA
Ichiro Tanioka – Japan
Fernando Leon Garcia – Mexico
Fernando Galvan Reula – Spain
Shawn Chen – China
Donald Betz – USA
Thandwa Zizwe Mthembu – South Africa
Antonio Leaño Reyes – Mexico
Eda Coutinho Barbosa Machado de Souza – Brazil
Mustafa Babanli – Azerbaijan
George Sharvashidze – Georgia
Tim Brailsford – Australia
Roger C. Y. Chen – Taiwan
Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh – Iran
Neal King – USA
Jason Scorza – USA
Carmen Lamagna – Bangladesh
Yoshiro Tanaka – Japan
Tatsuro Tanioka – Japan
Hiroaki Hatayama – Japan
Nicholas D. J. Baldwin – UK
Pedro Alejandro Basualdo – Argentina
Christopher Capuano – USA
Inwon Choue – Korea
Constantine W. Curris – USA
Hassan Diab – Lebanon
Kang IN – Korea
Daniel Ricardo Pizzi – Argentina
James Roach – USA
Gulsun Saglamer – Turkey
David James Schmidly – USA
Elizabeth Davis-Russell – USA
Pablo Guzmán Stein – Costa Rica
Kuniko Tanioka – Japan